We are going to create a 'pinhole camera' which has a front and a back but no roof or sides, letting light in through the sides and top, unlike a normal pinhole camera, which would be completely useless if it followed the same design. There will be 4 or five layers to this camera. The first will be a blank piece of paper with a pinhole in the center, to let one view the contents front on. The next four layers will be cut out parts of the reflections from our edited photos. The last layer will be a full A4 edited photograph of the bridge.
Test Piece
In order to make the best possible camera we first made a mock piece. We used corrugated cardboard to make the frame, using eight long strips, fourteen medium length and fourteen small. . . the cardboard proved to be more difficult than we had first anticipated, it was a challenge to stick the strips together with PVA as they bend out of shape, cardboard is a bad medium for us to use as it is not stable enough and also had a tendancy to look scruffy and we want our faux pinhole to look proffesional.
This photograph shows all five layers of out 'pinhole camera'. The four images were cut out from out edited photographs, allowing the viewer to look right through the camera, giving the image that can be seen through the pinhole depth and colour. The bridge appears twice, and we decided to cut the first layer in such a way that the structure of it can be fully appreciated.
To get the full image behind the pinhole, one has to move their head around. We really liked this, as it gets people involved with the 'camera', and has an element of excitement, as you do not know what you are going to see next - very like a real pinhole camera, where suspense is a key factor of the photo taking process.
This continues the pinhole theme, as one looks through the pinhole to see a upside down, back to front image of our bridge and its surrounding areas. We have decided to go down this route instead of creating a walk in pinhole camera (which was our original plan) as we do not have enough time, materials or space to do what we originally planned. This however is still something we would really like to attempt, and if we find the right place to do it over the next two years, it is something we would both be very interested in.
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